We want to be with you in your exciting college life with dreams and hopes.

Students entering the school in 2011 and onward must take the Happy College Life and Exciting College Life courses in spring and fall semesters, respectively. The courses are intended to ensure a happy and fulfilling college life for freshmen by helping their adaptation to school life and improving their academic achievements.
Along with an orientation and meeting with the advising professor on the first day, various programs and outings will be offered to promote friendship, school spirit, and patriotism.

Current students (i.e. those having entered the school in the previous year) will participate in designing the program towards freshmen.An academic advisor, T.A., a resident advisor, and a proctor will be assigned to each class to provide overall guidance and help with academic work, school life, and career planning.
The courses provide 1AU. Each class is held bi-weekly at 7-9 p.m. on Thursdays (for 8 weeks).